(click on an image to view complete movie)

Fanuc M16i grinding a turbine blade against a fixed bench grinder.
The robot follows a freehand curve drawn on the blade.
Fanuc M16i polishing a turbine blade on a sending belt.
RobotWorks uses guide parts, not shown in the movie, to guide the robot
through space, creating a smooth path along real and virtual parts.
A Motoman robot is polishing a marble countertop using RobotWorks PATTERN
function, which creates repeating passes easily using few clicks only. The
user can set the order of the pattern, the density and many more parameters.
The path is simulated with user-defined continuous cover of the surface. This
could be used to verify that the path is correct ("You missed a spot...")
Kuka KR30 polishes a musical instrument using a freehand sketch projected
on the surface. Using RobotWorks to make the path for each of the great
variety of instrument sizes and models saves time and instruments.
Here a Kuka KR30 polishes a faucet against two belt sanders. The pattern is a
curve drawn on the faucet surface. Using this technique the angle for sanding
can be easily monitored and revised. Creating this exact path bye eye
is a tedious and difficult task.
FANUC robot grinding a shoe sole on a sanding belt. The path is made of few
touch points, as well as a continuous path following the sole contour. A perfect
example for an application in which the robot motion actually sets the fashion...

Grinding a turbine blade


Polishing a turbine blade


Polishing using a pattern


Polishing a faucet on two belt sanders


Polishing a Contrabass


Sanding a shoe sole



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