Sample FANUC File

RobotWorks writes data for FANUC robots as LS file in text form. The robot controller expects to get TP files (binary), so you have to convert the LS to TP using FANUC software. Sometimes this software comes with the robot or other FANUC applications like WinTPE, WinOLPC and others. FANUC also have a DOS program called MakeTP that can also be used.

The LS to TP operation is FANUC propriety and RobotWorks does not provide this conversion.

Users of KAREL may obtain a free LS to KAREL translator from us. Contact support for further details.


RobotWorks has no way to write the tool data into the LS file. The user has to assure that the tool declaration in the controller has the same numbers as shown by RobotWorks.

Following are two examples of FANUC files, compatible with both the RJ2 and RJ3 controllers:
Click here for a simple dispensing file

This file demonstrates L and J moves combined with circular interpolation moves C.

  Click here for a complex welding file

This file demonstrates L and J moves combined with circular interpolation moves C, when the part is moved by external axes (welding positioner)

Click here for a movie showing this path   Click here for a movie showing this path

Note: The above robot files are in text form and have a ".txt" extension in the filename.

To download the files to your robot, right-click the link and choose "save as".

Then delete the ".txt" extension from the filename.


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